Lecture 03
September 4, 2024
If you missed class last week, make sure you read the syllabus!.
Text: VSRIKRISH to 22333
A system is:
“an interconnected set of elements that is coherently organized in a way that achieves something…
A system must consist of three kinds of things: elements, interconnections and a function or purpose.”
— Donella Meadows, Thinking in Systems: A Primer, 2008
Changes to climate occur based on a variety of processes across scales, including:
Correlations among Climate Parameters
Source: Errickson et al. (2021)
Correlations among Climate Parameters
Source: Errickson et al. (2021)
Contaminant levels in a body of water also depend on a number of processes which may have different scales and rates.
Can we think of some?
System State: quantities or variables which evolve over time based on external inputs and system dynamics.
The state gives you a “snapshot” of the system at a given point in time.
We can use the notion of stocks and flows to formalize the idea of residence time: average time a unit of a stock remains in the system (or a component of the system).
\[ \underbrace{\tau}_{\substack{\text{Residence} \\[0.5em] \text{Time}}} \times \overbrace{F}^{\substack{\text{Flow} \\[0.5em] \text{In/Out}}} = \underbrace{M}_{\text{Stock}} \]
Steady-state condition on flows \(F_\text{in}\) and \(F_\text{out}\):
\[\begin{gather*} F_\text{out} = F_\text{in} = F \\ \Rightarrow \bbox[5pt, border: 5px solid red]{\tau = M/F} \end{gather*} \]
A college has a constant undergraduate enrollment of 15,000 students. No students flunk out or transfer, so the residence time is four years.
Figure 1: Illustration of a system, including notation.
Conceptual Model of a System
Mathematical models can be solved:
…all models are approximations. Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful. However, the approximate nature of the model must always be borne in mind….
— Box & Draper, Empirical Model Building and Response Surfaces, 1987
Models can corroborate a hypothesis by offering evidence to strengthen what may be already partly established through other means…
Thus, the primary value of models is heuristic: Models are representations, useful for guiding further study but not susceptible to proof.
— Oreskes et al, “Verification, Validation, and Confirmation of Numerical Models in the Earth Sciences”, 1994
XKCD Comic 2355
Source: XKCD 2355
Monday: Example of Formulating/Analyzing Models.
Wednesday: Overview of System Dynamics
Homework 1: Due Thursday at 9pm.
Weekly Exercises: Due Monday before class.