System Dynamics: Equilibria, Bifurcations, and Feedbacks

Lecture 05

September 11, 2024

Review of Last Class

Lake Eutrophication Model

Schematic of processes resulting in lake eutrophication

Modeling Information Needs

  1. What will happen to the waste in the environment (fate & transport)?
  2. What are potential impacts and acceptable levels or critical thresholds?
  3. What are options to manage the waste?

Mass-Balance and Fate & Transport

  • Used principles of mass-balance to derive a fate & transport model for the system dynamics.
  • Accounted for point and non-point source loading and environmental quality thresholds.
  • Use of model depends on prescriptive vs. descriptive purpose.


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See Results

Shallow Lake Model

Limitations Of Our Prior Eutrophication Model

  • Steady-state
  • Assumed first-order (linear) decay for lake P

Shallow Lake Model

  • Model introduced by Carpenter et al. (1999).
  • This lecture builds off Quinn et al. (2017).
  • Tradeoff between economic benefits and the health of the lake.

Lake Eutrophication Example

Shallow Lake Model: Variables

Variable Meaning Units
\(X_t\) P level in lake at time \(t\) dimensionless
\(a_t\) Controllable (point-source) P release dimensionless
\(y_t\) Random (non-point-source) P runoff dimensionless

Shallow Lake Model: Runoff

Random runoffs \(y_t\) are sampled from a LogNormal distribution.

# this uses StatsPlots.jl's recipe for plotting distributions directly; otherwise use something like plot(-5:0.01:5, pdf.(LogNormal(0.25, 1), -5:0.1:5))
plot(LogNormal(0.25, 1), linewidth=3, label="LogNormal(0.25, 1)", guidefontsize=18, legendfontsize=16, tickfontsize=16)
plot!(LogNormal(0.5, 1), linewidth=3, label="LogNormal(0.5, 2)")
plot!(LogNormal(0.25, 2), linewidth=3, label="LogNormal(0.25, 2)")
plot!(size=(1000, 400), grid=:false, left_margin=10mm, right_margin=10mm, bottom_margin=10mm)
xlims!((0, 6))
Figure 1: Lognormal Distributions

Shallow Lake Model: P Dynamics

  • Lake loses P at a linear rate, \(bX_t\).
  • Nutrient cycling reintroduces P from sediment: \[\frac{X_t^q}{1 + X_t^q}.\]

Shallow Lake Model

So the P level (state) \(X_{t+1}\) is given by: \[\begin{gather*} X_{t+1} = X_t + a_t + y_t + \frac{X_t^q}{1 + X_t^q} - bX_t, \\[0.5em] y_t \underset{\underset{\Large\text{\color{red}sample}}{\color{red}\uparrow}}{\sim} \text{LogNormal}(\mu, \sigma^2). \end{gather*} \]

Equilibria and Bifurcations

Lake Dynamics (Without Inflows)

  • \(a_t = y_t = 0\),
  • \(q=2.5\)
  • \(b=0.4\)
# define functions for lake recycling and outflows
lake_P_cycling(x, q) = x.^q ./ (1 .+ x.^q);
lake_P_out(x, b) = b .* x;

T = 30
X_vals = collect(0.0:0.1:2.5)
function simulate_lake_P(X_ic, T, b, q, a, y)
    X = zeros(T)
    X[1] = X_ic
    for t = 2:T
        X[t] = X[t-1] .+ a[t] .+ y[t].+ lake_P_cycling(X[t-1], q) .- lake_P_out(X[t-1], b)
    return X
X = map(x -> simulate_lake_P(x, T, 0.4, 2.5, zeros(T), zeros(T)), X_vals)
p_noinflow = plot(X, label=false, ylabel=L"X_t", xlabel="Time", guidefontsize=18, tickfontsize=16, size=(600, 500), left_margin=5mm, bottom_margin=5mm)
Figure 2: Dynamics of lake model with different initial conditions

Lake Dynamics (Without Inflows)

  • \(a_t = y_t = 0\),
  • \(q=2.5\)
  • \(b=0.4\)
# define range of lake states X
x = 0:0.05:2.5;

# plot recycling and outflows for selected values of b and q
p1 = plot(x, lake_P_cycling(x, 2.5), color=:black, linewidth=5,legend=:topleft, label="P Recycling", ylabel="P Flux", xlabel=L"$X_t$", tickfontsize=16, guidefontsize=18, legendfontsize=16, palette=:tol_muted, framestyle=:zerolines, grid=:false)
plot!(x, lake_P_out(x, 0.4), linewidth=3, linestyle=:dash, label=L"$b=0.4$", color=:blue)
quiver!([1], [0.35], quiver=([1], [0.4]), color=:red, linewidth=2)
quiver!([0.4], [0.13], quiver=([-0.125], [-0.05]), color=:red, linewidth=2)
quiver!([2.5], [0.97], quiver=([-0.125], [-0.05]), color=:red, linewidth=2)
plot!(ylims=(-0.02, 1.1))
plot!(size=(600, 500))
Figure 3: Lake eutrophication dynamics based on the shallow lake modelwithout additional inputs. The black line is the P recycling level (for $q=2.5), which adds P back into the lake, and the dashed lines correspond to differerent rates of P outflow (based on the linear parameter \(b\)). The lake P level is in equilibrium when the recycling rate equals the outflows. When the outflow is greater than the recycling flux, the lake’s P level decreases, and when the recycling flux is greater than the outflow, the P level naturally increases. The red lines show the direction of this net flux.

Where Are the Equilibria?

Equilibria: Fixed points of the dynamics (no state change).

Equilibria occur where \[\Delta X = X_{t+1} - X_t = 0,\] so the outflows and sediment recycling are in balance.

eq1 = [0.0, 0.67, 2.2]
scatter!(p1, eq1, (y -> lake_P_cycling(y, 2.5)).(eq1), label="Equilibria", markersize=10, markercolor=:blue)
Figure 4: Lake eutrophication dynamics based on the shallow lake modelwithout additional inputs. The black line is the P recycling level (for \(q=2.5\)), which adds P back into the lake, and the dashed lines correspond to differerent rates of P outflow (based on the linear parameter \(b\)). The lake P level is in equilibrium when the recycling rate equals the outflows. When the outflow is greater than the recycling flux, the lake’s P level decreases, and when the recycling flux is greater than the outflow, the P level naturally increases. The red lines show the direction of this net flux.

Implications of Unstable Equilibria

plot!(p_noinflow, title="Lake P Without Inflows", titlefontsize=20)
Figure 5: Dynamics of Lake Model With No Inflows
a = zeros(T)
y = rand(LogNormal(log(0.08), 0.01), T)
X = map(x -> simulate_lake_P(x, T, 0.4, 2.5, a, y), X_vals) 
plot(X, label=false, ylabel=L"$X_t$", xlabel="Time", title="Lake P With Inflows", guidefontsize=18, tickfontsize=16, size=(600, 500), left_margin=5mm, bottom_margin=5mm, titlefontsize=20)
Figure 6: Dynamics of Lake Model With No Inflows

How do Equilibria Change?

How do the equilibria change as system parameters vary?

eq_45 = [0.8, 1.8]
eq_5 = [1.0, 1.4]
plot!(x, lake_P_out(x, 0.45), linewidth=3, linestyle=:dash, label=L"$b=0.45$", color=:orange)
plot!(x, lake_P_out(x, 0.5), linewidth=3, linestyle=:dash, label=L"$b=0.5$", color=:purple)
plot!(x, lake_P_out(x, 0.6), linewidth=3, linestyle=:dash, label=L"$b=0.6$", color=:green)
scatter!(p1, eq_45, (y -> lake_P_cycling(y, 2.5)).(eq_45), label=false, markersize=10, markercolor=:orange)
scatter!(p1, eq_5, (y -> lake_P_cycling(y, 2.5)).(eq_5), label=false, markersize=10, markercolor=:purple)
Figure 7: Lake eutrophication dynamics based on the shallow lake modelwithout additional inputs. The black line is the P recycling level (for \(q=2.5\)), which adds P back into the lake, and the dashed lines correspond to differerent rates of P outflow (based on the linear parameter \(b\)). The lake P level is in equilibrium when the recycling rate equals the outflows. When the outflow is greater than the recycling flux, the lake’s P level decreases, and when the recycling flux is greater than the outflow, the P level naturally increases. The red lines show the direction of this net flux.

Equilibria vs. \(b\) Value

function plot_P_flux(b_vals)
    p = plot(; xlabel=L"b", ylabel=L"X", legend=:outerright, tickfontsize=16, legendfontsize=16, guidefontsize=18, left_margin=5mm, bottom_margin=10mm, size=(1200, 500))

    flux_func(x, b) = lake_P_cycling(x, 2.5) - lake_P_out(x, b)
    X_un = []
    X_st = []
    for b in b_vals
        # try to find the unstable (oligotrophic) equilibrium
            x_eq = Roots.find_zero(x -> flux_func(x, b), 0.5)
            push!(X_un, (b, x_eq))
        catch err
            if isa(err, DomainError)
        # try to find the stable (eutrophic) equilibrium
            x_eq = Roots.find_zero(x -> flux_func(x, b), 2.0)
            push!(X_st, (b, x_eq))
        catch err
            if isa(err, DomainError)
    plot!(p, first.(X_un), last.(X_un), label="Unstable Equilibrium", linewidth=3, color=:red, linestyle=:dash)
    plot!(p, first.(X_st), last.(X_st), label="Stable (Eutrophic) Equilibrium", linewidth=3, color=:red)
    plot!(p, b_vals, repeat([0.0], length(b_vals)), label="Stable (Oligotrophic) Equilibrium", linewidth=3, color=:blue)

    quiver!(p, [0.01], [0.15], quiver=([0.0], [5.85]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.05], [0.2], quiver=([0.0], [5.8]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.1], [0.4], quiver=([0.0], [5.6]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.15], [0.5], quiver=([0.0], [5.5]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.2], [0.5], quiver=([0.0], [4.0]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.25], [0.6], quiver=([0.0], [3.0]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.3], [0.6], quiver=([0.0], [2.4]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.35], [0.7], quiver=([0.0], [1.7]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.4], [0.8], quiver=([0.0], [1.3]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.45], [0.9], quiver=([0.0], [0.75]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.5], [1.1], quiver=([0.0], [0.25]), color=:black)

    quiver!(p, [0.1], [0.15], quiver=([0.0], [-0.15]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.15], [0.2], quiver=([0.0], [-0.15]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.2], [0.25], quiver=([0.0], [-0.2]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.25], [0.35], quiver=([0.0], [-0.3]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.3], [0.4], quiver=([0.0], [-0.35]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.35], [0.45], quiver=([0.0], [-0.4]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.4], [0.55], quiver=([0.0], [-0.45]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.45], [0.7], quiver=([0.0], [-0.6]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.5], [0.9], quiver=([0.0], [-0.8]), color=:black)

    quiver!(p, [0.2], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-0.9]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.25], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-2.0]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.3], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-2.7]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.35], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-3.2]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.4], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-3.8]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.45], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-4.0]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.5], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-4.5]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.55], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-5.9]), color=:black)
    quiver!(p, [0.6], [6.0], quiver=([0.0], [-5.9]), color=:black)

    return p
b_vals = 0.01:0.01:0.6

p = plot_P_flux(b_vals)
Figure 8: Bifurcation diagram for the lake problem with no inputs.

Implications of Bifurcations

Bifurcations have the following implications:

  • Uncertainty about system dynamics can dramatically change equilibria locations and behavior;
  • “Shocks” (in this case, sedimentation/recycling disturbances or massive non-point source inflows) can irreversibly alter system outcomes.


Feedback Loops

Unstable equilibria can result from reinforcing (positive) feedback loops, where a shock to the system state gets amplified.

Feedback loops can also be dampening (negative), where a shock is weakened (stable equilibria).

Ice-Albedo Feedback Loop

Feedbacks for Lake Eutrophication

Eutrophication Feedback Loop

Other Environmental Feedbacks

Can we think of other examples of environmental feedback loops?

Are they reinforcing or dampening?

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways (Equilibria)

  • System equilibria states can be stable or unstable.
  • Unstable equilbria can be responsible for thresholds/tipping points.
  • Bifurcations: Changes to number/qualitative behavior of equilibria as system properties vary.

Key Takeaways (Feedbacks)

  • Feedback loops can be reinforcing or dampening.
  • Reinforcing feedbacks: changes to system state are amplified, resulting in instability and evolution away from equilibrium state.
  • Dampening feedbacks: changes to system state are dampened, system reverts to stable equilibrium state.

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Homework 2: Due 9/19 at 9pm



Carpenter, S. R., Ludwig, D., & Brock, W. A. (1999). Management of eutrophication for lakes subject to potentially irreversible change. Ecol. Appl., 9(3), 751–771.
Quinn, J. D., Reed, P. M., & Keller, K. (2017). Direct policy search for robust multi-objective management of deeply uncertain socio-ecological tipping points. Environmental Modelling & Software, 92, 125–141.