Monte Carlo: Why It Works

Lecture 10

September 30, 2024


Prelim: Alternative Testing Program

  • Conflict/accomodation exams will be handled through ATP.
  • If you do not have an SDS accomodation letter for this class, you will not be enrolled in ATP.

Review of Previous Classes

Uncertainty and Systems

  • Systems models always neglect aspects of the “real” system, resulting in uncertainties
  • May be external forcings that are unknown.
  • Risk: What are the possible impacts of environmental conditions and how probable are they?

Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo is stochastic simulation.

G a Probability Distribution b Random Samples a->b Sample c Model b->c Input d Outputs c->d Simulate

Goals of Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo is a broad method, which can be used to:

  1. Obtain probability distributions of outputs (uncertainty propagation);
  2. Estimate deterministic quantities (Monte Carlo estimation).

Monte Carlo Estimation

Monte Carlo estimation involves framing the (deterministic) quantity of interest as a summary statistic of a random process.


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Monte Carlo: More Formally

Why Monte Carlo Works

We can formalize Monte Carlo estimation as the computation of the expected value of a random quantity \(Y\), \(\mu = \mathbb{E}[Y]\).

To do this, generate \(n\) independent and identically distributed values \(Y_1, \ldots, Y_n\). Then the sample estimate is

\[\tilde{\mu}_n = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n Y_i\]

Monte Carlo (Formally)

Important note: The Monte Carlo sample mean \(\tilde{\mu}_n = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n Y_i\) is itself a random variable.

What Do We Mean By “Works”?

What properties would we like the Monte Carlo estimate \(\mathbb{E}[\tilde{\mu}_n]\) to have?

Monte Carlo Estimate is Unbiased

With some assumptions (the mean of \(Y\) exists and \(Y\) has finite variance), the expected Monte Carlo sample mean \(\mathbb{E}[\tilde{\mu}_n]\) is

\[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{E}[Y_i] = \frac{1}{n} n \mu = \mu\]

So the Monte Carlo estimate is an unbiased estimate of the mean.

Monte Carlo Estimate Converges

On average (across different samples), the MC estimate \(\tilde{\mu}_n\) has the “right” value.

Will a single sample trajectory converge to the true value?

The Law of Large Numbers


  1. \(Y\) is a random variable and its expectation exists and

  2. \(Y_1, \ldots, Y_n\) are independently and identically distributed

Then by the weak law of large numbers:

\[\lim_{n \to \infty} \mathbb{P}\left(\left|\tilde{\mu}_n - \mu\right| \leq \varepsilon \right) = 1\]

Monte Carlo Estimate Converges

In other words, eventually Monte Carlo estimates will get within an arbitrary error of the true expectation. But how large is large enough?

Note that the law of large numbers applies to vector-valued functions as well. The key is that \(f(x) = Y\) just needs to be sufficiently well-behaved.

Monte Carlo Error Can Be Estimated

We’d like to know more about the error of this estimate for a given sample size. The variance of this estimator is

\[\tilde{\sigma}_n^2 = \text{Var}\left(\tilde{\mu}_n\right) = \mathbb{E}\left((\tilde{\mu}_n - \mu)^2\right) = \frac{\sigma_Y^2}{n}\]

So as \(n\) increases, the standard error decreases:

\[\tilde{\sigma}_n = \frac{\sigma_Y}{\sqrt{n}}\]

Monte Carlo Error

In other words, if we want to decrease the Monte Carlo error by 10x, we need 100x additional samples. This is not an ideal method for high levels of accuracy.

Monte Carlo is an extremely bad method. It should only be used when all alternative methods are worse.

— Sokal, Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Mechanics, 1996

But…often most alternatives are worse!

When Might We Want to Use Monte Carlo?

  • All models are wrong, and so there always exists some irreducible model error. Can we reduce the Monte Carlo error enough so it’s less than the model error and other uncertainties?
  • We often need a lot of simulations. Do we have enough computational power?

When Might We Want to Use Monte Carlo?

If you can compute your answers analytically, you probably should.

But for many systems problems, this is either

  1. Not possible;
  2. Requires a lot of stylization and simplification.

Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals

This error estimate lets us compute confidence intervals for the MC estimate.

What is a Confidence Interval?

Remember: an \(\alpha\)-confidence interval is an interval such that \(\alpha \%\) of intervals constructed after a given experiment will contain the true value.

It is not an interval which contains the true value \(\alpha \%\) of the time. This concept does not exist within frequentist statistics, and this mistake is often made.

How To Interpret Confidence Intervals

To understand confidence intervals, think of horseshoes!

The post is a fixed target, and my accuracy informs how confident I am that I will hit the target with any given toss.

Cartoon of horseshoes

How To Interpret Confidence Intervals

But once I make the throw, I’ve either hit or missed.

The confidence level \(\alpha\%\) expresses the pre-experimental frequency by which a confidence interval will contain the true value. So for a 95% confidence interval, there is a 5% chance that a given sample was an outlier and the interval is inaccurate.

Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals

OK, back to Monte Carlo…

Basic Idea: The Central Limit Theorem says that with enough samples, the errors are normally distributed:

\[\left\|\tilde{\mu}_n - \mu\right\| \to \mathcal{N}\left(0, \frac{\sigma_Y^2}{n}\right)\]

Monte Carlo Confidence Intervals

The \(\alpha\)-confidence interval is: \[\tilde{\mu}_n \pm \Phi^{-1}\left(1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}\right) \frac{\sigma_Y}{\sqrt{n}}\]

For example, the 95% confidence interval is \[\tilde{\mu}_n \pm 1.96 \frac{\sigma_Y}{\sqrt{n}}.\]

Implications of Monte Carlo Error

Converging at a rate of \(1/\sqrt{n}\) is not great. But:

  • All models are wrong, and so there always exists some irreducible model error.
  • We often need a lot of simulations. Do we have enough computational power?

Implications of Monte Carlo Error

If you can compute your answer analytically, you probably should.

But often this is difficult if not impossible without many simplifying assumptions.


MC Example: Dice

What is the probability of rolling 4 dice for a total of 19?

function dice_roll_repeated(n_trials, n_dice)
    dice_dist = DiscreteUniform(1, 6) 
    roll_results = zeros(n_trials)
    for i=1:n_trials
        roll_results[i] = sum(rand(dice_dist, n_dice))
    return roll_results

nsamp = 10_000
# roll four dice 10,000 times
rolls = dice_roll_repeated(nsamp, 4) 

# initialize storage for frequencies by sample length
avg_freq = zeros(length(rolls)) 
# initialize storage for standard error of estimate
std_freq = zeros(length(rolls))
# compute average frequencies of 19
avg_freq[1] = (rolls[1] == 19)
std_freq[1] = 0 # no standard error for the first sample

for i in 2:length(rolls)
    avg_freq[i] = (avg_freq[i-1] * (i-1) + (rolls[i] == 19)) / i
    std_freq[i] = std(rolls[1:i] .== 19) / sqrt(i)

MC Example: Dice

plt = plot(
    avg_freq, ribbon=1.96 * std_freq,
    xlim = (1, nsamp),
    ylim = (0, 0.1),
    legend = :false,
plot!(size=(1200, 500))

hline!(plt, [0.0432], color="red", 

MC Example: Dice

After 10,000 iterations, the 95% confidence interval for the MC estimate is 4.3 \(\pm\) 0.4%.

Is this good enough? Should we keep going?

MC Example: Dissolved Oxygen

Let’s revisit our two-waste dissolved oxygen example with uncertain wastewater inflows.

Schematic for Multiple Discharge Example

MC Example: Dissolved Oxygen

At each inflow, the uncertainty about the amount of waste (which modifies the baseline CBOD/NBOD):

waste_dist = truncated(Normal(0, 5); lower=-10, upper=20)
waste_samps = rand(waste_dist, (10_000, 2))
histogram(waste_samps[:, 1], ylabel="Count", xlabel="OD Deviation from Baseline (mg/L)")
plot!(size=(600, 500))
Figure 1: Distribution for the uncertainty in waste at each inflow

MC Example: Dissolved Oxygen

(a) Multi-Release Dissolved Oxygen Example
Figure 2

MC Example: Dissolved Oxygen

Figure 3: Multi-Release Dissolved Oxygen Example
Iterations Estimate
100 1.0 \(\pm\) 1.0%
1000 2.5 \(\pm\) 0.5%
5000 2.9 \(\pm\) 0.2%
10000 2.9 \(\pm\) 0.2%

Further Notes

More Advanced Monte Carlo Methods

“Simple” Monte Carlo analysis: assumes that we can readily sample independent and identically-distributed random variables.

There are other methods for when distributions are hard to sample from or uncertainties aren’t independent.

On Random Number Generators

Random number generators are not really random, only pseudorandom.

This is why setting a seed is important. But even that can go wrong…

XKCD Cartoon 221: Random Number

Source: XKCD #221

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Monte Carlo estimates are unbiased;
  • Monte Carlo standard error is on the order \(1/\sqrt{n}\), so not great if more direct approaches are available and tractable.
  • Confidence intervals based on standard error.
  • Need to decide what level of uncertainty is needed/meaningful for a given analysis.

Upcoming Schedule

Next Classes

Wednesday: Intro to Optimization

Next Week: Linear Programming (Monday)


HW3: Due Thursday (10/3) at 9pm

Prelim 1: Next Wednesday (10/9) in class, includes material through today’s lecture.