Lecture 19
November 6, 2024
Text: VSRIKRISH to 22333
Adapted from Perez-Arriaga, Ignacio J., Hugh Rudnick, and Michel Rivier (2009)
\[\begin{alignat}{3} & \min_{y_{g,t}} && \sum_g VarCost_g \times \sum_t y_{g,t} && \notag\\ & \text{subject to:} && && \notag\\ & && \sum_g y_{g,t} = d_t && \forall t \in T \\ & && y_{g,t} \leq P^{\text{max}}_g && \forall g \in G, t \in T \\ & && y_{g,t} \geq P^{\text{min}}_g && \forall g \in G, t \in T \\ & && y_{g,t+1} - y_{g, t} \leq R_g && \forall g \in G, t \in T \\ & && y_{g,t} - y_{g, t+1} \leq R_g && \forall g \in G, t \in T \end{alignat}\]
Unit commitment extends economic dispatch by also considering whether generating units should be committed, or scheduled to be online.
We want to schedule units to meet demand at lowest cost.
What are our decision variables?
Variable | Definition |
\(y_{g,t}\) | power generated by generator \(g\) (MWh) |
\(c_{g,t}\) | commitment status of thermal generator \(g\) at time \(t\) |
\(start_{g,t}\) | startup decision of thermal generator \(g\) at time \(t\) |
\(shut_{g,t}\) | shutdown decision of thermal generator \(g\) at time \(t\) |
\[\begin{aligned} &\min \textcolor{blue}{generation\ cost} + \textcolor{red}{startup\ costs}\\ \Rightarrow &\min \color{blue} \sum_{g \in G, t \in T} VarCost_{g} \times y_{g,t} \color{black} + \\ & \quad \color{red} \sum_{g \in {G_{thermal}}, T \in T} StartCost_g \times start_{g,t} \end{aligned}\]
\[\begin{alignat}{2} & \sum_g y_{g,t} >= d_t && \quad \forall t \in T\\ & y_{g,t} \leq P^{\text{max}}_g \times c_{g,t} && \quad \forall g \in G, t \in T \\ & y_{g,t} \geq P^{\text{min}}_g \times c_{g,t} && \quad \forall g \in G, t \in T \end{alignat}\]
\[\begin{alignat}{2} &c_{g,t} \geq \sum_{s = t - MinUp_g}^t start_{g,s} & \quad \forall g \in G_\text{thermal}, t \in T \\ & 1 - c_{g,t} \geq \sum_{s = t - MinDown_g}^t shut_{g,s} & \quad \forall g \in G_\text{thermal}, t \in T\\ & c_{g, t+1} - c_{g, t} = start_{g, t+1} - shut_{g, t+1} & \quad \forall g \in G_\text{thermal}, t \in T \\ & c_{g, t} = 1 & \quad \forall g \notin G_\text{thermal} \end{alignat}\]
How do we deal with ramp constraints?
Key issue: if we start a generator, we jump from generating 0 MW to at least \(P^\text{min}_g\) MW.
This could violate the ramp limit \(R_g\)!
Solution: Introduce a new variable, \(y^\text{aux}_{g,t}\), which is the generation above the minimum (if commited):
\[y^\text{aux}_{g,t} = y_{g,t} - \left(P^\text{min}_g \times c_{g,t}\right)\]
\[\begin{alignat}{2} & y^\text{aux}_{g,t} = y_{g,t} - \left(P^\text{min}_g \times c_{g,t}\right) && \quad \forall g \in G_\text{thermal}, t \in T \\\\ & y^\text{aux}_{g,t+1} - y^\text{aux}_{g, t} \leq R_g && \quad \forall g \in G_\text{thermal}, t \in T \\\\ & y^\text{aux}_{g,t} - y^\text{aux}_{g, t+1} \leq R_g && \quad \forall g \in G_\text{thermal}, t \in T \end{alignat}\]
cf = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/unit_commitment/gen_variability.csv"))
NY_demand = DataFrame(CSV.File("data/economic_dispatch/2020_hourly_load_NY.csv"))
rename!(NY_demand, :"Time Stamp" => :Date)
d = NY_demand[:, [:Date, :C]]
rename!(d, :C => :Demand)
n = 307 # pick day
T_period = (n*24+1):((n+7)*24)
d = d[T_period, :]
p1 = @df d plot(:Date, :Demand, xlabel="Date", ylabel="Demand (MWh)", label=:false, linewidth=4, xrot=45, bottommargin=24mm)
plot!(p1, size=(600, 600))
p2 = plot(d[!, :Date], cf[!, :Wind], xlabel="Date", ylabel="Capacity Factor (%)", label="Wind", color=:blue, xrot=45, bottommargin=24mm, linewidth=4)
plot!(p2, d[!, :Date], cf[!, :Solar], label="Solar", color=:orange, xrot=45, bottommargin=24mm, linewidth=4)
ylims!(p2, (0, 1))
plot!(p2, size=(600, 600))
h = nrow(d)
T = 1:h
G = 1:nrow(gens)
Gthermal = [1; collect(4:11)]
uc = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer)
@variable(uc, y[g in G, t in T] >= 0) # generation
@variable(uc, c[g in G, t in T], Bin) # commitment
@variable(uc, start[g in Gthermal, t in T], Bin) # startup
@variable(uc, stop[g in Gthermal, t in T], Bin) # shutdown
@variable(uc, yaux[g in Gthermal, t in T] >= 0) # aux generation
@objective(uc, Min, sum(gens.VarCost .* [sum(y[g, :]) for g in G]) +
sum(gens.StartCost[Gthermal] .* [sum(start[g, :]) for g in Gthermal]))
Grenew = G[G .∉ Ref(Gthermal)] # find elements not in Gthermal
@constraint(uc, load[t in T], sum(y[:, t]) >= d.Demand[t])
@constraint(uc, maxgen[g in Gthermal, t in T], y[g, t] <= gens.Pmax[g] * c[g, t] * cf[t, g])
@constraint(uc, renewmax[g in Grenew, t in T], y[g, t] <= gens.Pmax[g] * cf[t, g])
@constraint(uc, mingen[g in G, t in T], y[g, t] >= gens.Pmin[g] * c[g, t])
@constraint(uc, startup[g in Gthermal, t in T],
c[g, t] >= sum(start[g, s] for s in intersect(T, (t - gens.MinUp[g]):t)))
@constraint(uc, shutdown[g in Gthermal, t in T],
1 - c[g, t] >= sum(stop[g, s] for s in intersect(T, (t - gens.MinDown[g]):t)))
@constraint(uc, commit[g in Gthermal, t in 1:(h-1)],
c[g, t+1] - c[g, t] == start[g, t+1] - stop[g, t+1])
@constraint(uc, aux[g in Gthermal, t in T],
yaux[g, t] == y[g, t] - (gens.Pmin[g]) * c[g, t])
@constraint(uc, rampup[g in Gthermal, t in 1:(h-1)],
yaux[g, t + 1] - yaux[g, t] <= gens.Ramp[g])
@constraint(uc, rampdown[g in Gthermal, t in 1:(h-1)],
yaux[g, t] - yaux[g, t + 1] <= gens.Ramp[g])
Unit Commitment: $1.9e6
Economic Dispatch: $2.8e6
Plant | Generation Difference (MW) |
Nuclear | 17978.0 |
Biomass | 2535.0 |
Hydroelectric | 308.0 |
NG CCGT1 | 12194.0 |
NG CCGT2 | -3253.0 |
NG CCGT3 | -14270.0 |
Plant | Generation Difference (MW) |
NG CT1 | -11235.0 |
NG CT2 | -3582.0 |
NG CT3 | -3560.0 |
NG CT4 | 2205.0 |
NG CT5 | 682.0 |
Monday: Network Models and Solid Waste Management
Wednesday: Prelim (in class)!