Tutorial: Linear Optimization in Julia

using Plots
using JuMP
using HiGHS


This tutorial will demonstrate how to solve linear optimization problems graphically and using the JuMP package in Julia. It draws heavily from this tutorial by Jesse D. Jenkins and Michael R. Davidson.

JuMP (“Julia for Mathematical Programming”) is an open-source Julia package that adds functionality for formulating and solving a variety of optimization problems. One advantage of JuMP is that its syntax matches the typical mathematical formalism used to specify optimization problems. We will use JuMP in this class for our optimization work.

Read the Documentation!

Make sure that you take a look at the JuMP documentation whenever you have a question or want to find out how to do something that we don’t discuss in any of our tutorials or lectures (or how to do it better!).


Here we will outline the basic steps for configuring JuMP, though you can also refer to the official Installation Guide.

If JuMP is not already in your environment (it will be for any of your assignments, but may not be if you’re doing something independently), you will need to install it. You will also need to select a solver and install the relevant package. Some of these are commercial, while others are open source. Solvers are also not typically universal, as different types of optimization problems use different algorithms, so be aware of what problem you’re trying to solve instead of just blindly copying code from one task to another.

For example, for the linear programming example, we will use the HiGHS solver via the HiGHS.jl package. As seen on the solver table, HiGHS is open source (via the MIT license) and can solve linear programs (LP) and mixed-integer linear programs (MILP), as well as quadratic programs (which we won’t discuss in this course).

Linear Programming Example: How Many Widgets Should A Factory Produce?

Defining The Problem

Suppose we own a factory that can produce two types of widgets:

  • Widget A generates a profit of \(p_A = \$100\) per widget; and
  • Widget B generates a profit of \(p_B = \$75\) per widget.

Let \(x\) be the number of units of widget A that we want to produce, and \(y\) the number of units of widget B. Our goal is to maximize our total profit \(p_Ax + p_By\). This is the objective function. We express this objective using the equation \[\begin{equation} \max_{x, y} 100x + 75y. \label{eq:objective} \end{equation}\]

This isn’t a very interesting problem yet! We would simply build as much of both widgets as we could, because there are no constraints on our ability to produce. To make this more realistic, let’s suppose that both widgets are produced using the same raw material \(M\), of which we can only procure 300 units. Then, if:

  • Widget A requires 40 units of \(M\) per widget, and
  • Widget B requires 20 units of \(M\) per widget, we arrive at the following material constraint: \[\begin{equation} 40x + 20y \leq 300. \label{eq:constraint1} \end{equation}\]

But we might have another constraint: time! Each widget may take a different amount of labor to produce. For example, let’s say that

  • Widget A takes 6 hours to produce and
  • Widget B takes 12 hours to produce. Further, there are only 80 hours per work that can be allocated to widget production. This becomes the time constraint \[\begin{equation} 6x + 12y \leq 80. \label{eq:constraint2} \end{equation}\]

Finally, we cannot build a negative number of either type of widget. This is known as a non-negativity constraint, and can be expressed as

\[\begin{align} x &\geq 0 \label{eq:constraintx} \\ y &\geq 0 \label{eq:constrainty} \end{align}\]

Consolidating equations \(\eqref{eq:objective}\)\(\eqref{eq:constrainty}\) gives us the following constrained optimization problem:

\[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} & \max_{x, y} & 100x + 75y\\ &\text{subject to} & \\ & & 40x + 20y \leq 300\\ & & 6x + 12y \leq 80\\ & & x \geq 0\\ & & y \geq 0 \end{aligned} \label{eq:widget} \end{equation}\]

Visualizing the Problem

Let’s do some plotting to examine the geometry of our optimization problem. We can do this using the Plots.jl package in Julia.

## set up objective function parameters and variables
pa = 100
pb = 75
a = range(0, 8, step=0.25)
b = range(0, 8, step=0.25)

## define objective function
f(a, b) = pa * a + pb * b

## start plotting
contour(a,b,(a,b)->f(a,b),nlevels=15, c=:heat, linewidth=10, colorbar = false, contour_labels = true) # objective function contours
title!("Factory Optimization Problem") # add title
xaxis!("x=Widget A", lims=(0, maximum(a))) # add x-axis title and limits
yaxis!("y=Widget B", lims=(0, maximum(b))) # add y-axis title and limits
xticks!(0:maximum(a)) # set x-axis ticks
yticks!(0:maximum(b)) # set y-axis ticks
areaplot!(a[a.<=11], (300 .- 40*a)./20, legend=false, opacity=0.3) # plot materials constraint feasible region
areaplot!(a[a.<=8], (80 .- 6*a)./12, legend=false, opacity=0.3) # plot time constraint feasible region
Figure 1: Decision space for the widget linear program \(\eqref{eq:widget}\). The gradient contours for the objective function are shown, as well as the constraints.

We can see exactly where the solution will be in Figure 1, at the intersection of the feasible regions imposed by the two constraints!

Objective Function Gradient and Solution Uniqueness

What would happen if one of the constraints were parallel to the level sets of the objective function?

Let’s now use JuMP to identify the location of this point (though we could also solve for it using linear algebra).

Solving This Problem Using JuMP

Setting Up the Model and Solver

To solve our problem, first we need to define the model. The model object has lots of attributes, including the variables, constraints, solver options, etc. We create a new model using the Model() function. Since we are using the HiGHS solver, we need to tell JuMP to use the HiGHS.Optimizer solver function.

factory_model = Model(HiGHS.Optimizer) 

There are a bunch of attributes and options that we could set, but we won’t in this example. If needed, look at the HiGHS.jl documentation.

Define Variables

Decision variables (\(x\) and \(y\) in this case) in JuMP are defined using the @variable macro. The first argument passed to @variable() is the model object, in this case, factory_model, and the second argument are bounds on that variable, created using >= and <=. JuMP will interpret the bound specification to obtain the variable name. In this case, our only bounds directly on the variables are the non-negativity constraints.

@variable(factory_model, x >= 0)
@variable(factory_model, y >= 0)

If we had a free (or unbounded) variable \(z\), we could declare that variable using @variable(model, z). JuMP also requires unique names for each variable, or it will throw an error. This is one place where it’s nice that Julia lets us use sub- and superscripts in variable names!

If we did want to modify the bounds after defining the variable, we could do so using the set_lower_bound and set_upper_bound functions, or we could remove them using delete_lower_bound and delete_upper_bound.

Finally, if we want to see all of the variables associated with a model, we can use the all_variables function to obtain an array.

2-element Vector{VariableRef}:

Define Constraints

When defining variables, we were able to declare constraints on their values by specifying upper and lower bounds. However, we also have other constraints, which involve multiple decision variables. These are specified using the @constraint macro. Unlike variables, we also need to pass names for each constraint. We will use time for the time constraint and materials for the materials constraint. These names must be unique.

@constraint(factory_model, time, 6x + 12y <= 80) # specify the time constraint
@constraint(factory_model, materials, 40x + 20y <= 300) # materials constraint

Define Objective Function

So far, we’ve defined the feasible region of the decision-variable domain by setting the constraints. But we need to specify our objective function to know what we are trying to minimize or maximize over this region. We define the objective function using the @objective macro. In addition to specifying the model objective and the function, we need to tell JuMP whether we want to minimize or maximize.

@objective(factory_model, Max, 100x + 75y)

Looking At The Full Model

Now, let’s look at the model specification. print() will print out a formatted version of the model; in a notebook (or on this page), that will be marked up with LaTeX, in a REPL terminal, it will not be.


\[ \begin{aligned} \max\quad & 100 x + 75 y\\ \text{Subject to} \quad & 6 x + 12 y \leq 80\\ & 40 x + 20 y \leq 300\\ & x \geq 0\\ & y \geq 0\\ \end{aligned} \]

If you want a LaTeX-marked up version in the REPL, use latex_formulation().

We won’t go into detail here, but there are other ways to define the model, which are detailed in the JuMP documentation. For example, we can specify multiple variables using @variables. Similarly, we can use @constraints to define multiple constraints at once. Or we can use loops to define multiple constraints or constraints involving many variables. We can also specify the model in vectorized syntax, which is similar to how linear programs are specified in MATLAB.

Solve the Model

Now it’s time to solve the model and find the optimal values \((x^*, y^*)\). Since we specified the solver when we initialized factory_model, all we have to do is call the optimize! function.

Running HiGHS 1.5.3 [date: 1970-01-01, git hash: 45a127b78]
Copyright (c) 2023 HiGHS under MIT licence terms
Presolving model
2 rows, 2 cols, 4 nonzeros
2 rows, 2 cols, 4 nonzeros
Presolve : Reductions: rows 2(-0); columns 2(-0); elements 4(-0) - Not reduced
Problem not reduced by presolve: solving the LP
Using EKK dual simplex solver - serial
  Iteration        Objective     Infeasibilities num(sum)
          0    -1.0937489944e+01 Ph1: 2(4.125); Du: 2(10.9375) 0s
          2     8.4722222222e+02 Pr: 0(0) 0s
Model   status      : Optimal
Simplex   iterations: 2
Objective value     :  8.4722222222e+02
HiGHS run time      :          0.01

Query the Solution

To find the optimal values of our decision variables, we need to query the values of the variables using value.(). We use value.() (the vectorized version of value()) because JuMP stores decision variables differently depending on their number and how they were defined. Uses the dot-syntax here works with any model specification, while the plain value() will not work if a queried decision variable is stored as a vector.


So we can see that our optimal inputs are \[(x^*, y^*) = (5.56, 3.89)\] (and we’ll pretend that we can manufacture and sell parts of widgets).

Visualize the Solution

Let’s take our previous plot and add the solution point to make sure that we got the solution we expected.

contour(a,b,(a,b)->f(a,b),nlevels=15, c=:heat, linewidth=10, colorbar = false, contour_labels = true) # objective function contours
title!("Factory Optimization Problem") # add title
xaxis!("x=Widget A", lims=(0, maximum(a))) # add x-axis title and limits
yaxis!("y=Widget B", lims=(0, maximum(b))) # add y-axis title and limits
xticks!(0:maximum(a)) # set x-axis ticks
yticks!(0:maximum(b)) # set y-axis ticks
areaplot!(a, (300 .- 40*a)./20, legend=false, opacity=0.3) # plot materials constraint feasible region
areaplot!(a, (80 .- 6*a)./12, legend=false, opacity=0.3) # plot time constraint feasible region

## now we plot the solution that we obtained
scatter!([value.(x)],[value.(y)], markercolor="blue", markersize=5)
Figure 2: Solution for the widget problem \(\eqref{eq:widget}\). The blue dot shows the optimal solution.

As shown in Figure 2, the optimal solution \[(x^*, y^*)\] is exactly where we deduced it would be geometrically.

Other Stuff We Can Do

We can also use value.() to evaluate our constraints without manually using the equations.


What if we also want the optimal objective value? We can obtain this using objective_value().


We could also define other expressions via the @expression macro as functions of the decision variables and evaluate those. For example, let’s say that we wanted to know the total number of widgets we’d produce under our optimal allocation of resources.

@expression(factory_model, total_widgets, x+y)

Dual Solutions

We can identify if our model has a dual solution by calling has_duals().


If we want to know the dual solution associated with a constraint, we use the shadow_price() function.

Naming Constraints

Modifying constraints and querying for dual solutions is the reason why it’s important to give constraints individual names.


If the binding constraint was a variable bound, we could also query that shadow price by calling reduced_cost() on the variable.


In this case, the relevant shadow prices are zero because the optimum is in the interior of the domain. If we had added a strong enough upper bound on the value(s) of one or both of our decision variables (say, \(x \leq 4\)), then this would be non-zero.