class: center, middle .title[Modeling Nonstationarity]
.left-column[.course[BEE 6940] .subtitle[Lecture 10]] .date[March 27, 2023] --- name: section-header layout: true class: center, middle
--- layout: false name: toc class: left # Table of Contents
1. [Review of Extreme Value Models](#review) 2. [Nonstationary Extremes](#nonstationarity) 3. [Choice of Models](#model-choice) 4. [Key Takeaways](#takeaways) 5. [Upcoming Schedule](#schedule) --- name: review template: section-header # Review of Extreme Value Models --- class: left # Two Common Approaches to Modeling Extremes
.left-column[ **Block Maxima**: - Find maxima for independent blocks from time series; - Can be inefficient use of data. ] .right-column[ **Peaks Over Thresholds**: - Set threshold and model level of exceedance *conditional on exceedance*; - Choices of threshold and declustering length. ] --- # Block Maxima: Generalized Extreme Value Distributions
GEV distributions have three parameters: - location $\mu$; - scale $\sigma > 0$; - shape $\xi$. --- # Generalized Extreme Value Distributions
.left-column[ The shape parameter $\xi$ is particularly influential, as the GEV distribution can take on three shapes depending on its sign. ] .right-column[ .center[] ] --- # GEV Types
.left-column[ - $\xi > 0$: Frechet (*heavy-tailed*) - $\xi = 0$: Gumbel (*light-tailed*) - $\xi < 0$: Weibull (*bounded*) ] .right-column[ .center[] ] --- # Peaks Over Thresholds: Generalized Pareto Distributions
Similarly to the GEV distribution, the GPD distribution has three parameters: - location $\mu$; - scale $\sigma > 0$; - shape $\xi$. --- # Generalized Pareto Distributions Types
.left-column[ - $\xi > 0$: *heavy-tailed* - $\xi = 0$: *light-tailed* - $\xi < 0$: *bounded* ] .right-column[ .center[] ] --- # Poisson-GP Processes
GPD model exceedances over threshold. Often pair with Poisson processes to model the number of exceedances in a unit period. --- # GEV vs. PP-GP
**GEV Model**: For each time period, what is the largest event? **PP-GP**: For each time period, how many exceedances of threshold, and how large is each one? --- # Return Levels
$m$-period return level: How large is the expected event which occurs with this frequency? Alternative explanation: Exceedance probability of $1-1/m$. --- template: section-header name: surge # Nonstationarity --- # Climate Change and Nonstationarity
However, these models assume *no long-term trend* in the data, so no change in the distribution of annual extremes. This situation is called **stationary**: the underlying probability distribution does not change over time. --- # Climate Change and Nonstationarity
But climate change risks are fundamentally about dynamic distributions! - Storm tracks/intensities - Frequencies of extremes (heat waves, droughts, atmospheric rivers, etc.) - Correlations between extreme events -- This means that we need to consider **nonstationarity**: the statistical model has a dependence on time (explicitly or implicitly). --- # Testing for Nonstationarity
Commonly used: **Mann-Kendall Test**. $$S = \sum\_{i=1}^{n-1} \sum\_{j=i+1}^n \text{sgn}(y\_i - y\_j),$$ Null hypothesis (zero trend): $$S \sim \text{Normal}\left(0, \frac{2(2n+5)}{9n(n-1)}\right)$$ --- # Aside: Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests
Mann-Kendall fits into the framework of **null-hypothesis significance tests (NHST)**. This aligns with falsificationist scientific paradigm. The test is whether to reject a *null* hypothesis in favor of the existence of a relationship. - *Null hypothesis*: Typically that the proposed relationship does not exist. - *Alternative hypothesis*: The relationship does exist. --- # Aside: Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests
For example: - Null: No effect in a regression model (coefficient is zero) - Alternative: Effect is non-zero Or: - Null: No trend over time - Alternative: Trend exists --- # Statistical Significance
The "significance" in NHST is based on the frequentist notion of sampling distributions. **Goal**: try to identify whether the pattern in your data is strong enough that it likely did not emerge due to sampling chance. This involves balancing *Type I* (false positive) and *Type II* (false negative) error rates. --- # Type I and Type II Errors
Null Hypothesis Is
Decision About Null Hypothesis
Don't reject
True negative (probability $1-\alpha$)
Type II error (false negative, probability $\beta$)
Type I Error (false positive, probability $\alpha$)
True positive (probability $1-\beta$)
The **significance level** $\alpha$ is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis **assuming that it is true** (Type I errror). --- # p-values
The **p-value** captures the probability of observing results **at least as extreme as observed** under the null hypothesis. Therefore, if a p-value is small (below $\alpha$), it can mean: 1. The null hypothesis is not true for that data; 2. The null hypothesis *is* true and the data is an outlying sample. **Notice**: the $p$-value is itself a random variable; it is contingent on the sample. --- # p-values
What a p-value is **not**: - Probability that the null hypothesis is true (this is meaningless in the frequentist paradigm); - Probability that the effect was produced by chance alone (a p-value is conditional on the assumption that the null hypothesis is true) - An indication of the effect size These misunderstandings are behind the replication crisis... --- # Mann-Kendall Test
$$S = \sum\_{i=1}^{n-1} \sum\_{j=i+1}^n \text{sgn}(y\_i - y\_j),$$ Null hypothesis (zero trend): $$S \sim \text{Normal}\left(0, \frac{2(2n+5)}{9n(n-1)}\right)$$ --- # "Problems" with Mann-Kendall
However: - Mann-Kendall only suggests the presence of a trend, not its magnitude (general problem with statistical significance tests: what is the effect size?); - Doesn't work if the trend is oscillating. --- # Alternative: Model Selection
We can also fit stationary and non-stationary models and see how they perform, and select accordingly. Will discuss fitting today, selection after break. --- # Modeling Nonstationarity
Typically assume one (or more parameters) depend on another variable which can vary in time. For example, could model block maxima as $\text{GEV}(\mu(t), \sigma, \xi)$, or frequency of occurrence as $\text{Poisson}(\lambda(t))$. Often these are linear or generalized linear models: $$\mu(t) = h(\sum_{i=0}^n \beta_i t^i).$$ --- # Modeling Nonstationarity
- While any parameters can be treated as nonstationary, making models too complex can make them difficult to constrain given limited extremes data. - Shape parameters are difficult to constrain normally, so are often best left constant. --- # Nonstationary Return Levels
Since we have a different model for each time $t$, we get different return levels for different times. Contrast this with the stationary condition, in which we can just speak of "return levels". --- # Tide Gauge Example
Let's look at the San Francisco tide gauge data. .left-column[ What are the implications of: - Nonstationary GEV? - Nonstationary Poisson rate? - Nonstationary GPD?] .right-column[ .center[] ] --- # Nonstationary BLock Maxima Model
Let's fit a GEV with a linear trend in time: $\mu(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 t$, where $t$ is in years. --- # Nonstationary Block Maxima Model Fit
.center[  ] --- # Stationary Block Maxima Model Fit
.center[  ] --- template: section-header name: model-choice # Choice of Models --- # Possible Covariates
The candidate set of covariates is going to depend on the application. For example, for storm surge, changes could be related to: - sea-surface temperatures - climate indices (North Atlantic Oscillation, Southern Oscillation) - local mean sea level - global mean temperature (as a broad proxy) - time (general trend) --- # Space of Possible Models Is Difficult to Constrain
.cite[[Wong et al (2022)](] ] --- # Space of Possible Models Is Difficult to Constrain
.cite[[Wong et al (2022)](] ] --- template: section-header name: takeaways # Key Takeaways --- # Key Takeaways
- **Nonstationarity**: Dynamic changes in the probability distribution - Can be particularly hard to model/constrain with extremes due to limited data. - Wise to avoid changing shape parameters. - Nonstationary models can have very different return levels, so there are real implications for risk management. - One possible path: adaptive decisions based on learning. --- template: section-header name: schedule # Upcoming Schedule --- class: left # Upcoming Schedule
**Wednesday**: Discussion of Read & Vogel (2015). **Monday after break**: Model selection